Academy and Scholarship Player of the Month Awards for May and June 2024

Academy Players of the Month

*Alfie Leake* May

Alfie has continued to grow at training and on the pitch. He has over the last couple of months been consistently one of the best players on the pitch weather in academy and reserves. He is proof hard work pays off.

*Lewis Owens* June

Lewis has been a first picked in the team sheet every week. He is first to training. Works hard and reaps the rewards on the pitch. He is a real batter who loved to get stuck into the dirty stuff in the middle always taking it to the other team. A real leader by actions.

Scholarship Players of the Month

May – *Jack Ingham*

Jack has been recognised for his performances in training. He has taken on feedback from his review and started to practice and add new skills into his game. It was pleasing to see him utilise these skills in his performance against Wakefield.

June – *Reuben Flynn*

Reuben’s recent performances against Wakefield and Wigan have really caught the eye. Not only for his try scoring and excellent finishing but also for his leadership on the field. His communication on field has been compared to having a coach on field and has helped the team perform better.

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